Rig assembly of ZJ70D has completed in Zhongcheng Assembly Base of our company
Rig assembly of ZJ70D has completed in Zhongcheng Assembly Base of our company
    29th April, 2009, FIELDTECH S & E has finished assembly of another ZJ70D drilling rig including the lifting of derrick substructure and installation of main parts in Zhongcheng Assembly Base located in Dagang, Tianjin.
    There had been 19 days since the delivery of the whole drilling rig equipment from Baoji Petroleum Equipment Plant on 10th April, 2009, within this period, we also finished installation and adjustment for the main part, the solid control equipment, generator room and SCR room of the rig.
    We have overcome many difficulties such as short working period, less personnel during the assembly, and we have strictly observed HSE safety standard in equipment hoisting, safety zone demarcation, and in each specific work section to secure safe production.
    This integral rig system installation has not only improved our staff’s professional technique, but also enhanced their sense of safety during the production, meanwhile enriched their team work experience in site.