FIELDTECH Directional Scope Works offers our customer with the top-quality services, advanced equipment & tools, for the most cost-efficient directional & horizontal drilling operations, which has in turn enhanced the return of customer’s investment on the drilling industry.
Integrated with drilling engineering research & services, engineering design, directional drilling & tools rental, maintenance & calibration, as well as technical training, FIELDTECH S&E is one of the leading specialized directional drilling services in both China and Asia.
Rely on the international quality drilling ability, FIELDTECH Directional Scope Works can provide full range technical services from design to end of well for directional well, horizontal well and other special varieties. Services activities cover all over the country and have extended to other areas of Asia.
The final objective of FIELDTECH S&E is to provide high quality, cost-effective wellbore for customers. A complete Health, Safety, Environment (HSE) management and ISO9001 Quality control system has been running in our company to ensure quality performance by monitoring and controlling every procedure of directional drilling from design through engineering.
Our Directional Scope Works has helped us to set records in Chinese petroleum industry. We will continue to pioneer the applications of high drilling technology and help our customers to meet their most challenging directional drilling needs.
Technical Ability
With the strong directional drilling and MWD & LWD service team with years experiences, FIELDTECH S&E has rich experiences in hard-formation sidetracking, cluster drilling, extended-reach drilling, horizontal well, re-entry well, deep well horizontal drilling, steam assisted gravity drainage well and linking-up horizontal drilling. Our directional drilling activities cover all over the country and have extended to other areas of Asia. With optimized well planning, which include optimized well trajectory and drilling data, high performance BHA design, and its reliable Quality Assurance management, FIELDTECH S&E has been providing services for its customers in the most cost-effective, safest and fastest way.
Services Scope
Since the first directional well was successfully completed in 2010, FIELDTECH S&E has been involved in various drilling services for a total of 300 plus wells, FIELDTECH S&E has completed 53 Horizontal wells in 9 oilfields of China and 3 oversea markets specially. Until now, FIELDTECH S&E is equipped with the capability of drilling 100 directional/horizontal wells annually and capable of providing 18 units onsite services simultaneously.
Through years of continuously practice & research work, FIELDTECH S&E has shaped up series of drilling technology in well plan, trajectory control, well path survey, computerized directional drilling software, etc. And it is fulfilled various special drilling techniques, which including:
FIELDTECH S&E has the ability to fulfill following directional/horizontal drilling services
Directional Well Design & Services
Re-entry & Sidetrack
Extended-Reach (ERD) drilling Cluster Well
Horizontal Well
Deviated Well
CBM-(Linking-up Horizontal Drilling)
SAGD-(Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage Horizontal Drilling)
Short Radius Horizontal Well
Super Slim Horizontal Drilling
Gyro survey
MWD (Measuring While Drilling )
LWD (Logging While Drilling )
?PDM Motor, Turbine and MWD / LWD Rental
FIELDTECH S&E also has the ability to self-develop computerized directional drilling software, and also can provide many kinds of downhole tools and services involved with Mud Motor, NMDC, NMDP, HWDP, Stabilizer, Drilling Jar, Gyro, Multi-Shot / Single Shot, etc.
MWD / LWD is crucial to accurate trajectory control, formation evaluation, geo-steering, increased drilling efficiency, hazard avoidance, and rig safety. FIELDTECH’s MWD / LWD system is designed to acquire accurate, real-time downhole data with minimum impact on drilling operations.
Our modular downhole assembly of MWD system includes electronics, directional sensors, pulsers and battery packs. The probe contains industry standard triaxial magnetometers and inclinometers and control electronics which allow full directional survey and steering operations over the complete inclination range of 0-180º. The MWD tool is programmable both on surface and down-hole in order to provide the following features:
?Positive Pulser powered by a downhole battery packs, at up to 1.5 bit/second.
?Rugged system design with a convenient drop-in replacement advantage and feature. Fully wireline retrievable and repeatable.
?Low Battery usage, highly efficient circuitry allows operation down to 20 V while extending battery life up to 400 hours per battery pack (800 hours for dual battery packs).
?Patented non-Bladder (or Bellows) design allows the temp range up to 175°C (347°F) and pressure range up to 22,500psi.
?Full directional survey capability with either computed or raw survey data transmitted. Raw survey data is used where correction of drill string magnetic interference is being applied.
?Transmission of survey quality parameters such as local magnetic field.
?Choice of either standard or fast tool face updates. In fast update mode the tool monitors the rate of change of tool face and adjusts the update rate accordingly and automatically. Thus tool face is transmitted every few seconds when tool face is being set but, once set, the tool converts into energy saving mode until such time as tool face variation is seen to exceed a pre-set limit.
?Automatic switching between magnetic and gravity tool face updates. The tool is set to convert from magnetic to gravity tool face updates when the well inclination exceeds the default value of 3º (this value can be changed if specially required by the customer).
?The surface computer system converts the information from down-hole into various displays of azimuth, inclination and tool-face. The MWD engineer can chose between simple text display of recent survey and steering information or can opt for a graphical display which also shows gamma ray logging data if this option is in use.
?Rig Floor Display which shows the most recent survey and a historical display of steering information. Surveys can be stored in either ASCII or common (DBF) database format for export to other directional drilling software packages. Historical tool face information is stored in a log file for further analysis if required.
LWD survey equipment (Logging while drilling), which is designed to accommodate the need for continuous taking the survey of geological parameter combined with path parameter during drilling operation. Real time and recorded mode are available at well site for accurate survey of steering data, gamma-ray (focus gamma) and resistivity. So, it is also able to continuously monitor & forecast the potential changes of formation while drilling. The capacity of geo-steering technology are used to locate reservoirs, identify gas / oil or oil / water contact bound, effectively place and keep horizontal wellbore within a formation boundary, and interactively steer to and through the optimum sections of a reservoirs. 式
Gamma ray tool offers a rugged and highly efficient scintillation type detector assembly that seamlessly integrates with our MWD system to provide real-time gamma ray feedback on the surrounding formation. This facilitates correlation with the API standard for more accurate geo-steering by configuring the MWD to transmit supplemental gamma data in rotating mode. The resulting high-resolution data is captured by ACE memory for surface download.
Resistivity can be configured in a variety of ways depending on your information requirements, BHA design and well economics. Real-time Date while drilling are typically made within hours of drilling through zones when minimal formation damage, alteration, or formation fluid displacement has occurred. In areas with difficult drilling conditions, LWD can be used to avoid time-wasting conditioning trips or expensive pipe-conveyed logging operations.
LWD (Formation evaluation) measurements can be used in deviated and/or horizontal wells to geologically steer a well for maximum formation exposure in the productive zone of the reservoir (GEOSTEERING).
Propagation Resistivity Tool
Parameter Specification
Total # of Antennas 5
Transmitter – Receiver Spacing 3 – Short (18”), Medium (27”), and Long (36”)
Measurement Frequencies 2MHz & 400KHz
Battery Life > 400 hours at max. update rate (7 seconds)
OD 4.75” 6.75” 8”
Accuracy ( 2 MHz) ±2.0% @ 0.2 – 25 Ohm.m
±0.8mmho/m @ > 25 Ohm.m
Accuracy ( 400 KHz) ±2.0% @ 0.1 – 10 Ohm.m
±2.0 mmho/m @ > 25 Ohm.m
Survey Range 0.1 – 2000 Ohm.m
Vertical Resolution 9 in (228.6mm)
Downhole Motor
With a full range of tool diameters-from 2-7/8” to 11-1/4” – as well as input and output characteristics, housings, and stabilizer, FIELDTECH performance motor can be configured to meet drilling requirements for steerability, build up rate, torque, bit speed, flow rates, and string rotation.
FIELDTECH performance motor is a kind of power tool that transforms the pressure of liquid to mechanical energy in the downhole. When the power liquid flows into the screw motor, pressure difference will be produced between the inlet and outlet of the motor, then the pressure difference drives the rotor rotating of planetary motion round the stator, and provides running torque and speed to the drill bit while the drill pipe is not rotating during work process, thus the drilling process is being performed.
We also provide innovative solutions to a variety of drilling motor problems for a full range of applications including short and medium radius work and performance drilling in standard and elevated temperatures
The advantages of FIELDTECH performance motors:
?Safety Catch Assembly is available for full motor size range.
?Suitable for both water/oil base drilling fluid.
?High torque, excellent performance on penetration rate.
?ERT pre-contoured stator Downhole motor is available for all motor size.
?Temp range up to 150°C (302°F) and Pressure range 20,000 psi.
Long downhole lifetime.
Magnetics Guide Tool
Our Magnetics Guide Tool is an unmatched solution for intersection of wellbores. With a range of up to 165 feet (50 meters) the Magnetics Guide tool allows for significant trajectory correction prior to intersection. Magnetics Guide Tool reduces uncertainty and provides a relative measurement between the reference well and the drilling well and make it available to assure correct well separation with early course correction.
With pinpoint accuracy and hundreds of successful first time intersects, Our Magnetics Guide Tool is one of oil industry standard.
The Magnetics Guide Tool is used in a variety of drilling applications including:
?SAGD –Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage Horizontal Drilling
Steering past an existing well at a controlled separation / To provide controlled separation of parallel well-bores
?Coal Bed Methane de-gassing projects and methane production
?Solution Mining production
?As a guidance tool in civil engineering river crossing operations
FIELDTECH S&E is equipped with LANDMARK’s COMPASS well plan software package. Features hydraulic design, torque & drag analysis, drilling calculation, cluster platform optimization, 2D&3 D trajectory design, anti-collision scan, industry plot output, survey calculation, and drilling data management etc. the package makes it possible to design the best well trajectory and BHA according to rig capability, drilling and producing demand, down hole tools performance, and target condition (which could be circle, ellipse, rectangle, polygon).
Quality Control The final objective of FIELDTECH S&E is to provide high quality, cost-effective wellbore for customers. A complete Health, Safety, Environment (HSE) management and ISO9001 quality control system has been running in this company to ensure quality performance by monitoring and controlling every procedure of directional drilling from design through engineering.
FIELDTECH S&E's Quality Policy:Modern Administration, Qualified Personnel, Quality Equipment, First-level Services
FIELDTECH S&E's Quality Objective:
100% Target Landing,96%+ Customer Satisfaction
Services Record
?Cluster Well - A cost effective land-saving drilling method. 2011 year completed in Bohai bay north to recover marine oil by a group of on shore deviated wells. In total 21 wells, 46760 m footage, 193 days drilling period, average MD 2219m, average displacement 1199m(longest displacement 1806m).
?Linking-up horizontal well- a success application
of horizontal drilling for non-petroleum industry. 2014 year completed in Turkey, one 2269m (MD) horizontal well was drilled to underground link with a neighboring vertical well (486m space) to recover mirabilite.
?Horizontal Wells – As of December of 2014, FIELDTECH S&E has completed 53 Horizontal wells in 9 oilfields of China (Trim, Karamay, Liao He, Chang Qing, Yan Chang, Si Chuan, Sheng Li, Qing Hai, Ji Lin) and 3 oversea markets (Turkey, Turkmenistans, Russia) specially.
FAQ of FIELDTECH Directional Scope Works
1.Business scope of FIELDTECH Directional Scope Works.
As at today FIELDTECH has the capability to provide MWD, LWD & DD services on its own except RSS and Neutron Density measurements. However the RSS and Neutron Density measurements can be provided in collaboration with our technical partners, Weatherford and Baker Hughes.
2.Origin manufacturers of FIELDTECH’s Downhole Motor, MWD/LWD and Software
FIELDTECH’s downhole motor is from Kingdream, full size range ERT Kingdream motor can provide higher torque and efficiency to improve performance on penetration rate, Suitable for both water /oil base drilling fluid with Temp range up to 150°C (302°F).
FIELDTECH’s MWD is from Tolteq/USA, it is a battery powered MWD system with Low Battery usage to extend battery life up to 800 hours for dual battery packs. Non-Bladder (or Bellows)
design allows the temp range up to 175°C (347°F) and pressure range up to 22,500psi.
FIELDTECH’s LWD is from Halliburton including Gamma Ray and Resistivity Sensor with 150°C
(302°F) Tem range and 20,000 psi pressure range.
Software is from Landmark
3.Services Record of FIELDTECH DD services
?Since the first directional well was successfully completed in 2010, FIELDTECH has been involved in various drilling services for a total of 300 plus wells, FIELDTECH S&E has completed 53 Horizontal wells in 9 oilfields of China and 3 oversea markets specially. Until now, FIELDTECH is equipped with the capability of drilling 100 directional/horizontal wells annually and capable of providing 18 units onsite services simultaneously.