Workover job performs well in Argentina
Workover job performs well in Argentina
    Presently,workover rig FIELDTECH-3 of FIELDTECH S & E is operating in Argentina and the performance is going well. Since the spud-in date on 27th June 2009, this rig has finished workover job for four oil wells which are F18B-35、MARIANN 25、FANNY 3 and 4A-9 and the fifth well is going on.
    Workover service of rig FIELDTECH-3 is a good start for our international workover operation. There were only 22 days from its arrival in Puerto de Esmeraldad Port on 5th June till starting operation on 27th June, without any incidend and accident, this can prove the workover operation being safe and highly efficient. The prompt and highly efficient moving between well sites has laid the foundation for improving overall workover service standard. The high lighten points about FIELDTECH-3 during its operation are as below:
    •Advanced Workover Rig & Equipment
    •Experienced Rig Crew
    •Fast Moving Between Well Locations
    •Standardized & Internationalized Operation Management