Operation appraisal from KOP company in Turkmenistan
Operation appraisal from KOP company in Turkmenistan
FIELDTECH Oil Service& Engineering Co., Ltd is the main partner of KOP company. Since 2009, FIELDTECH has provided drilling service for the Oil & Gas wells of KOP company, based on the contract which signed on Oct.9th 2009 №09/10Bx.DB-SS-O. Up to now, FIELDTECH has drilled more than 20 exploration and development wells for our company.
FIELDTECH Company has high targets, they have advanced technical equipments and so have accomplished the drilling work well. In Ashisai Oilfield we used 2 sets of ZJ30 drilling rigs which are FT-306 and FT-308. As a result of their effective and organized work, they finished the wells with good quality on time.
The workers from FIELDTECH have strong responsibility and high professional skills, they also have extensive experience and can accomplish the task by high technology standard within the stipulated period, they can be trusted by the all clients in the present and future.
For the future, KOP company prepare to continue work jointly with FIELDTECH company in the exploration and development wells, KOP and FIELDTECH will participate in the economic development and construction of Turkmenistan together.
Best wishes,
Geological Department Director: Ranbakfu