FIELDTECH OIL SERVICE & ENGINEERING ECUADOR CIA. LTDA. Participating in the 11th Argentina oil &
Participating in the 11th Argentina oil & power expo & conference

    Time: 22th, 23th and 24th of September, 2010, Between 3 PM to 9 PM.
    Direction: Plaza Deportiva (Av. Amazonas y Villalengua)

    Our products for the EXPO include:
    • Inland drilling and workover operationes.
    • Provision of drill pipes, casing and tubing for importation or directly from our warehouse in Coca.
    • Complete sets of Drilling Rigs and Workover
    • Anticorrosion services

    Our permanent contact in Quito:
    Av. De los Shyris 344 y Eloy Alfaro. Edificio Parque Central Of. 403.
    Tels: (593-2)382 3912/382 3878/382 3946
    Fax: 382 3946